Saturday, July 13, 2013

Meet the Blogger:

  • I am twenty-two years old, and yes, I'm feeling it.
  • I am a recent college graduate.  I attended a private university with fantastic peers and professors.  I've been quite spoiled academically and would love to stay in that place in life where I am challenged and encouraged to learn.
  • I work as a developmental therapist with children with developmental and physical disabilities.  I love my job and leave every day feeling exhausted and fulfilled.  I would write more about my job, but there will be many more stories and comments later, trust me.  (My family is probably tired of hearing my stories). 
    • As an aspiring social worker (title contingent upon my registering for the licensing exam), I feel inclined to inform my readers that the stories I love to share are handled with care and will not violate HIPAA in any way. I took a class. 
  • As much as I love my job, I would love it exponentially more were I able to do it full-time.  During the summer months I get 30 hours. Come September, however, I am back to 15 hours a week.  The 15 hours was a perfect amount while I was a full-time student, but now that I am what they call a "grown-up", 15 hours doesn't cut it. 
  • To make up for my minimal hours doing what I love, I applied at some bookstores. I love to read, and I love to buy books.  I figured that being employed part-time at two jobs I loved would be a good idea.  Unfortunately, I found myself with a couple of nice emails informing me that "We had a lot of qualified people apply and you were not selected, but we will keep you application on hand for 6 months. Good luck with the job hunt!" Thanks. 
  • So, now I'm two months post graduation with a part time job, and another electronic pile of denial letters from the "big-girl" jobs I've applied for.
  • After graduation, I moved back in with my parents.  I moved into my brothers room, because during my freshman year, he took over my slightly larger bedroom with nicer carpet.  (He is taking off for college this September, so I'm planning to pounce and take back what is rightfully mine.)  While plotting my real estate revenge on my brother, I am also looking for other places to live.  With my part-time income, this requires finding a roommate.  That's not a problem, but I'm torn between being wise and splitting rent with someone, and feeling like I should be able to afford a cute little studio apartments somewhere with hard wood floors and lots of windows.  After all, that's where young adults live in all the movies!
  • I love Doctor Who.
  • A lot. 
  • And I liked it before it was cool.  *cringe* People tell me I'm a hipster.
  • I thoroughly enjoy listening to showtunes and watching illegally and poorly recorded Broadway musicals on youtube.  
There's more where that came from, ladies and gents.  You should know now that this blog is pretty much just meant to be therapeutic for myself, and if no one ever reads this, I would honestly be relieved.  :)